As we go through life, we have thoughts, feelings and value judgments that we make and do not share. Both good and bad things happen and we decide what we like and don’t like. At the end of the day, we have accumulated a lot of judgments, both positive and negative.
Left unexpressed, these judgments can build tension between you and another person, which stands in the way of intimacy. This, in turn, creates distance between you and that person.
It’s hard to communicate calmly or clearly when you have built up emotions or tension. With a mind full of opinions and judgments, you may think you are being clear, but all the other person hears or feels is your attitude, anger, or disapproval.
Over time, the tension accumulates and you may find that you are not able to talk to each other without getting mad, in a fight, or giving up all together.
I offer a one-on-one process called Withholds, where one is afforded the opportunity to release the tension that gets built up in a safe and structured way.
The goal of this process is to reduce unwanted emotional tension so that at another time and place you can communicate more effectively, if you want to, or to be free to make a new value judgment. After a Withhold session, people often experience feeling clear headed and closer to the person from whom they felt estranged. Their minds are free from juggling all of their viewpoints and opinions.
Please contact me or call me at (404) 989-1350 to book a session or to find out more about Withholds.
Pricing Structure:
One hour session: $50
Package of four sessions: $195